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Welcome to My Site

Hi! I'm Lucie, a freelance architect. My experience lies in designing projects of various scales, ranging from interiors to larger buildings. I believe in the power of collaboration with colleagues from varied professions, always placing the client at the center of our team.


Ahoj! Jsem Lucie, architektka na volné noze. Mám zkušenosti s navrhováním projektů různých měřítek, od interiérů až po větší stavby. Věřím v sílu spolupráce s kolegy*němi napříč obory, přičemž klient*ka je vždy středem našeho týmu.

My Journey

Freelance architect
design of private residential and commercial buildings and interiors | since 2012


partnership collaboration on projects with studios

Tereza Komárková Architect, Zavoral Architect, her architecture


Studio Vrtiška & Žák, Praha /CZ/  
long-term collaboration | 2017 - 2023

DAM architekti, Praha /CZ/  
2012-13, 2016-17

Paul Dillon Architect, Galway /IRL/


Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Architecture /CZ/
Field of study Architecture and Urbanism | 2012 - 2015

RWTH Aachen University, Faculty of Architecture /DE/
Erasmus Scholarship | 2014

Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Art and Architecture /CZ/
Field of study Architecture and Urbanism | 2008 - 2012

Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau, Faculty of Architecture /DE/
Georgius-Agricola-Stipendium Scholarship | 2010

Featured In


Grand Prix Architektů 2022 | Shortlist
for Polyfunctional Building Petřiny82 in Prague

Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland Awards 2021 | Highly Commended
Architectural Association of Ireland Award 2021 | Special Mention

for Extension of Briarhill National School in Galway

International Architectural Competition | 2017 | 3rd place
for New Administrative Centre for Lesy ČR in Hradec Králové

Architecture Competition | 2016 | Special Mention
for Social and Culture Center in Hrušovany

Student competition winning concept | 2014 | RWTH Aachen
for Urban Defibrillator


"Under My Pilou" | Architect+ magazine no. 39 (02/2023)

Bílé lamely dům zcela proměnily (Hana Vinšová) | Materiály pro stavbu magazine 4/2022

Petřiny82 | Kompozice v bílé (Petr Volf) | Stavba DETAIL magazine 4/2022

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